Guide: S.C.A.R.F for School Leaders

The five factors of the S.C.A.R.F. model play an important role in shaping individuals' social interactions, emotions, and drive. This understanding is relevant for school leaders as they navigate the dynamics of classrooms, staff interactions, and relationships within the school community.

S - Status  C - Certainty  A - Autonomy  R - Relatedness   F - Fairness

Use our guide for tips and tricks to implement this model at your school!

How it Works

This model allows leaders to ensure everyone feels valued, connected, and empowered. Plus, you’ll learn what motivates and matters to your team using our guide!

What's included

Tips and tricks for creating a supportive environment where everyone feels respected and appreciated using the S.C.A.R.F. model, plus a template to refer to!


Guide: S.C.A.R.F for School Leaders

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