Icebreaker: Soup, salad, or sandwich?

Try this icebreaker and get participants to think creatively and share their ideas! Plus, this activity will spark friendly debates and laughter among your team! With no winner in this game, it emphasizes open dialogue and collaborative thinking.

Try it out with your team and encourage your teachers to use it in their classrooms!

Created By
Alissa Christensen

How it Works

Divide the participants into small groups of 3-4 and have each group select one person to be their spokesperson. Explain that you will show a food on the board that should be categorized as a soup, salad, or sandwich and why they believe so. Set a quick timer then ask the spokesperson to share their group’s chosen category and explain the reasoning behind their choice.

What's included

Soup, Salad, or Sandwich includes 24 foods for participants to discuss! You can use them all at once or a few at a time!


Icebreaker: Soup, salad, or sandwich?

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